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What is new in hair transplant?


Organic hair transplantation is a method that is applied by injecting a mixture which is enriched with the patient’s own fat tissue and stem cells into a hair loss area.

Nowadays thanks to the organic hair transplantation, hair transplant method has improved further. In the case of normal hair transplantation, there were issues in the area to be planted like not being able to make them suitable for the procedure; however, with the organic hair transplantation the area to be planted, hair follicles and the operation became more successful and has better quality.
This process helps to keep roots alive and helping the new hair to be able to grow strong and healthy. Patients who had this procedure feel better than they would have felt after normal hair transplantation.

How it’s done: Organic Hair Transplant

The fluid is taken from the fatty tissue of the person is combined with the stem cells and injected into the area to be planted. Thus, the work area becomes inflated and provides a more comfortable hair transplant. Also, since the chemical injection used in normal hair transplantation damages hair roots, this will prevent the damage. Roots taken from the donor area can easily be transported by the specialists after the injection with the stem cell is made.

Advantages of Organic Hair Transplant

  • The area to be planted becomes more efficient
  • Hair transplantation procedure becomes easier than normal hair transplant procedure
  • The operation is completed without chemical fluids
  • Increases the holding rate of hair roots by nurturing newly transplanted hair follicles
  • Provides efficient results from hair transplantation
  • Provides the growth of healthier and more vigorous hair

Why Should We Prefer Organic Hair Transplant?

In normal hair transplantation, the operation only focuses on the healthy hair roots and transfers to the hair loss area being made. However, it appears that the hair loss area lacks fat tissue. Therefore, even if new hair roots are transferred to this area, the success rate is minimal. Therefore, when the fat tissue with stem cell mixture used in the organic hair transplantation is injected into the area to be planted, the oil deficiency in the hair loss area is eliminated and the new hair strings that will grow after the procedure are provided with a healthier appearance and the success in the transplantation procedure is relatively increased. Thus, the person will be able to have healthy and strong hair.


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