Robotic Hair Transplantation


What is robotic hair transplantation, which has become widespread recently and is revolutionary in hair transplantation? Does robotic hair transplantation give better results? What are the good and bad aspects of robot hair transplantation? Not only you but everyone is curious about the answers to these questions.

Let's remember what hair transplantation is in order to understand how robot-assisted hair transplantation can benefit us. In hair transplantation with FUE method; Channels are opened to the area where the hair problem occurs, and roots are transplanted from the healthy area, called the donor area. During this process, very meticulous and precise hand movements are required, both during the root extraction process from the donor area, when opening a canal to the area to be transplanted, and during the process of placing the roots into these opened canals. The placement process in these channels, which are opened with a diameter of approximately 0.6 mm, is a situation that requires great precision.

Now let's imagine that all these procedures are performed with the device called a robot used by the person performing the hair transplantation. If you are reading this article, you have definitely watched robotic hair transplantation videos. If you haven't watched it yet, you can find the relevant videos on Youtube from the link below. Now let's examine these mentioned under headings.

Speed ​​of Hair Transplantation Robot

The most important thing mentioned in the videos is that hair transplantation performed with the help of a robot is 2 times slower than that performed by human hands. At first glance, you may wonder what could be the downside of this. The most innocent part is that a procedure that normally takes 5-6 hours can take up to 10-12 hours, which can really turn into torture for the patient. Still, there are those who think that this is something that can be endured for a lifelong procedure. However, this is not a good situation for the health of the process. Because the roots taken for hair transplantation are preserved in a special solution after being removed, and when all the roots are completed, they are transplanted into the opened channels. This process means that the roots remain outside for about 2-3 hours in a normal transplantation. However, when the procedure is performed with the help of a robot, this time doubles to 4-6 hours.

Even this solution, created to prevent the follicles from dying, can keep the hair follicles alive for a maximum of 3-4 hours, after which these follicles begin to die. For this reason, even in a successful hair transplantation procedure, approximately 5% of the follicles die and do not grow back even though they are transplanted normally. In robotic hair transplantation, this rate increases up to 40% since the time the follicles remain outside is prolonged. Roughly speaking, in a hair transplant of 3000 roots, 1200 roots will not grow in the transplanted area. This means that in a process of 3000 roots, only 1800 roots will grow healthy. In other words, the process is actually 1800 roots, not 3000 roots.

Naturalness in Robotic Hair Transplantation

If robot-assisted hair transplantation is planned meticulously and given the correct instructions, a natural result will be achieved. However, this process also achieves the same result only with the help of human hands. In fact, separate coding can be done for the molds used in robotic hair transplantation, each of which is approximately 4 cm square in size. But in the orientation process, each root within this square will have the same direction. You will not have the opportunity to give different directions among these. In other words, the directions of the roots within every 4 cm square cannot be different.

To provide a natural appearance, the directions of the hair follicles should be given gradually according to the head structure. In this sense, the naturalness of hair transplantation performed with the help of a robot reaches up to 85%. Although it is a sufficient rate, the primary goal should of course be to obtain 100% natural results in a vital procedure that will be used for a lifetime.

Price of Robotic Hair Transplantation

As you can hear in the promotional videos you watch on the internet or see in the prices you buy from hair transplantation centers or hospitals, the price of Robotic Hair Transplantation is twice the price of normal hair transplantation. At this point, doing the work with a robot eliminates the human factor and instead of turning into a financial advantage, it can turn into a burden.


So why was the Robot in hair transplantation invented?

Having a hair transplant or looking beautiful is a human right. Everyone wants to benefit from this right. However, in some cases, the center or team that will perform the hair transplantation may not want to perform that procedure. Chief among these are people with infectious diseases. If a contagious disease is detected in the blood of the person who will undergo hair transplantation, it is unlikely that this disease will be transmitted to the team performing the procedure.

This machine was first developed in America to minimize the risk for people with such infectious diseases who want to have a hair transplant. In such cases, if the procedure must be performed, it would be the safest method to perform this operation with a robot.


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