Solution to Hair Loss, What is Good?


While looking for a solution to hair loss or an answer to the question of what is good for hair loss, it is necessary to first determine the cause of the hair loss you are experiencing. If we can identify the problem correctly, it will be very easy to find the solution. Let's identify the problem together.

Stress-Induced Hair Loss and Its Solution

It is a situation that is frequently encountered today and although its solution is actually simple, it is also a situation that most of us have difficulty coping with. Usually when you change jobs, when things are not going well, when financial or moral difficulties are experienced; Perhaps the part of our body that is most affected by this situation is our hair.

Solution to Stress-Induced Hair Loss: To remove the stress that causes hair loss from our lives, and if we cannot remove it, to pay more attention to nutrition and hair care than usual. If this care is not sufficient, you can apply for Mesotherapy treatment to reduce or stop hair loss. Click to get detailed information about mesotherapy.

Genetic Hair Loss and Its Solution

80% of the cause of hair loss is actually genetic. Although there are beliefs among the public that hair loss comes from the mother's or father's side, hair loss can come from both the mother and the father. Therefore, if there is a person on the mother's or father's side who experiences any form of hair loss, it is highly likely that you will also experience this problem.

Solution to Genetic Hair Loss:Hair loss cannot be prevented genetically, but it can be delayed with Mesotrapy treatment.

Definitive solution to genetic hair loss; It is possible by transplanting the hair taken from the nape area, which does not shed genetically, to the shedding area. In such cases, it should be preferred to wait for the shedding to be completed and then transplant. Click to get detailed information about Hair Transplantation.

Hormone-Induced Hair Loss and Its Solution

Even a small particle of the hormones produced in our body has great effects on our body. The most effective of these is the male hormone. Excessive secretion of male hormone in men damages hair follicles and causes hair loss. Same effect; It also creates the DHT hormone, which is secreted in men and is a more effective hormone than the male hormone. Excessive secretion of this hormone causes hair loss.

Solution to Hormone-Induced Hair Loss: As a solution to this type of hair loss, which is not encountered very often, hormone therapy can be applied, or if hair follicles that do not cause hormone loss, in other words, are not affected by excess hormones, are removed and transplanted to the area where hair loss occurs, Hair Transplantation can be performed.

Age-Related Hair Loss and Its Solution

Hair loss is a condition that can occur at any age. Hair loss can occur from adolescence to the 30s and 40s. If this hair loss is only age-related, it may sometimes be rapid and sometimes slow. If it is not due to hormonal, drug use, genetics or stress, this hair loss is considered age-related in men.

Solution to Age-Related Hair Loss: In such cases, Mesotherapy can be used as treatment. After the necessary blood tests are performed, these two treatments can be applied either in combination or separately at certain periods. You can find the necessary information on the Hair Mesotherapy page.

Hair Loss Due to Drug Use and Its Solution

Both medically used drugs, drugs used for bodybuilding, and drugs taken voluntarily for other reasons can cause hair loss due to the ingredients they contain. While certain medical drugs cause this, hair loss definitely occurs in cases related to the other two uses. While some of them cause permanent hair loss, some are temporary and your hair will regain its former health after the use of the medication is finished. The list of such drugs is as follows:

  • Some Blood thinners
  • Some stroke and seizure medications
  • Gout and Saffron remedies
  • blood pressure stabilizers
  • Some anti-inflammatories
  • Treatments that lower cholesterol and other lipids
  • mood-altering drugs
  • Chemotherapy
  • thyroid treatment
  • birth control pills
  • diet pills
  • High doses of vitamin A
  • Recreational pills and substances

Solution to Hair Loss Due to Medication Use: If your hair is falling out due to the medications mentioned above, there is no definitive solution other than stopping medication use.

Hair Loss Due to Feminine Causes and Its Solution

Apart from hair loss due to the male hormone and DHT, which is valid in men, all the conditions mentioned above can also lead to hair loss in women. Women generally experience hair loss in pregnancy and birth-related situations due to high levels of hormone changes and the resulting disruption of the body's functioning balance. We can summarize these situations as follows:

  • Obstetric and gynecological conditions such as postpartum, postmenopausal or ovarian cystic.
  • Anemia – iron deficiency
  • thyroid disease
  • Tissue disorders such as lupus (lupus)
  • Crash diets, bulimia, protein deficiency, fatty acid and zinc deficiency, malabsorption
  • Vitamin A excess
  • Stress – surgical procedures
  • general anesthesia
  • emotional problems

Additionally, many medications cause “Telogen Efflivium”, which means cessation of hair growth.

Solution to Hair Loss Due to Feminine Causes: TTelogen Efflivium ends as soon as drug treatment is stopped, but if the reaction it causes is not treated correctly, it can be confused with genetic female pattern hair loss. As a treatment, hormonal treatment is applied, as well as Mesotherapy Treatment. In other cases; If the values ​​in the blood tests are low, Mesotherapy Treatment should be applied.

Hair Loss as a Result of Lifestyle Changes and Its Solution

Sometimes, at certain times in our lives, we may experience less health than we normally do. This perception of unhealthy living is often interpreted as nutrition. However, not only malnutrition, but also many situations such as sleep patterns, stressful life, excessive emotionality, and climate change due to changing the place of living are changes in lifestyle. Although this situation is mostly temporary, if the body cannot adapt or resist this change, it causes permanent hair loss.

Solution to Hair Loss as a Result of Lifestyle Changes: In such cases, negative changes in lifestyle should be eliminated if they can be eliminated; if not, they can only be prevented with Mesotherapy Treatment.

Hair Loss Caused by Vitamin, Mineral and Enzyme Deficiency and Its Solution

We know that blood is the only thing that nourishes every organ in our body. Blood carries vitamins, minerals, enzymes and even hormones needed by the necessary organs. The substances necessary for hair are also transported through blood. If the body cannot synthesize enough and transport the necessary substances to the hair follicle through the blood, the hair follicles lose their health and vitality.

Solution to Hair Loss Due to Vitamin, Mineral and Enzyme Deficiency: If you suspect such a situation, even before deciding on hair transplantation due to hair loss;

  • Fe, Fe Binding
  • Ferritin
  • TSH
  • T3, T4
  • Hemogram
  • Male Hormone
  • Folic Asit
  • Zinc
  • LDH
  • B12

Tests must be performed and the values ​​must be read correctly. If these deficiencies are vitamin deficiencies, they can be eliminated with Mesotherapy Treatment. In other cases, different treatments can be applied, as well as combined treatment methods.

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