What is Hair Transplantation?

In today's conditions, most people experience hair loss and baldness problems, mainly due to genetics and stress, and are considering hair transplantation. Although it is far from a problem for some people, hair problems can be disturbing for many people. In addition to genetic and stress-related causes, metabolic changes experienced by women, nutritional disorders, excessive weight gain and loss, medication use and heavy treatments can also be effective in hair loss. While searching for solutions to these problems, many things on the market such as some herbal and chemical medicines, cures, shampoos and lotions, and serums can be tried. However, the reliability and permanence of these things have not been proven yet. Instead of looking for a solution in this way, you can choose hair transplantation methods that are completely permanent and whose results are medically proven, thanks to advancing technology.

Hair transplantation is the process of taking hair from the person's strong and genetically non-shedding hair area in a sterile operating room environment and transferring it to the balding area. While it was first implemented for the results of male pattern hair loss, today it is also used for many women. The hair collected in this application is called a graft and is taken from the area that is genetically coded not to shed. The area where this hair is dense is called the donor area. Since the grafts collected here are resistant to shedding, they do not lose their properties and preserve their genes even if applied to the area with hair loss. In other words, as it is thought, hair loss or not is not related to the skin or a certain area, but to the hair follicle. In addition to hair transplantation, it can also be used for transplantation to eyelashes, eyebrows, sideburns, beard and mustache areas.

Hair loss has nothing to do with using products such as hair spray, gel, mousse, briyantine that we use in daily life. Therefore, there is no harm in using such products after hair transplantation. If such damage had already occurred, the hair in the area used as the donor area would also have been affected by these substances and fallen out. A common cause of hair loss may be due to deficiencies in blood values, especially zinc and iron. Before having a hair transplant, these values ​​must be measured and, if any, the necessary treatments must be applied to return these values ​​to normal, and then the hair transplant operation must be decided.

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