Hair Auto Cloning Acell Hair Vaccine


Hair auto cloning; This method, also known as hair grafting, is a special method produced by Acell. In addition to vitamins, it contains a special formula called extracellular matrix that gathers cells together and triggers tissue production. This product has been offered to the end user since 2008 and has been used as an aid in the treatment of American soldiers since before.

Now, if you want, let's examine the "what is and what is not" of this product, which has been on everyone's mind with the numerous calls we have received in our clinic lately, and which has led to rumors that hair cloning is now possible with the statements made in a recent TV program. You can access the TV program in question here. I just ask you to listen carefully from beginning to end. Because when you listen to it, you can understand that it is not a hair transplantation method that has anything to do with the title and that will bring hope to people with insufficient donors (unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet), but just a treatment. In addition, this method, which was once referred to as hair grafting, has become obsolete with the article published by TPRECD (Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association). You can access the relevant article here.

Terms Used for Auto Cloning

Additionally, when you search for “auto cloning” or “hair grafting” on search engines, you will see that; Even clinics that practice this use terms like:

  • Triggering new tissue production (only triggers, does not provide definitive production)
  • Helps hair growth (well, it helps hair growth, it's not certain)
  • Results that vary from person to person (medically proven procedures do not change from person to person).
  • If it is deemed necessary, we will try again after a year (that is, if it did not work, we will try again)
  • Large increase (how large, no percentage data available)

What attracts the most attention is the statement that it is "very" effective in obtaining stronger and healthier hair. So what does this product put on top of that?

What is Hair Auto Cloning?

In the program we mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is claimed that cloning is not done and that it turns one hair into three hairs. However, while saying this, what does not happen is that it does not remove the hair follicle, it strengthens the other hair strands that are weak next to the 1 live hair strand in a graft, but this is not cloning, it is just the known effect of the treatment. In other words, the method mentioned humorously as "I bought one from the market and brought three home with me" is just a traditional treatment. It is not your hair follicle that grows only three, but the fact that the graft containing only one hair grows three hairs after it is transplanted. Moreover, the words spoken right after this are as follows: "Or you don't sow anything, you take it, you apply the medicine, one turns into three." As you can see from here, it is not a transplantation method, but a method of strengthening hair.

By the way, what is mentioned at the end of the speech and is applied to those who do not have any hair is the hair produced from the unnatural synthetic material called "biofibre". In other words, it is not a wig, but a stranded version of it, and it is applied by sticking it to the scalp. In other words, it is even more unhealthy than a hair prosthesis, and when you search on search engines, you can find people and their images who have lost even their existing hair due to infection. It is an alternative treatment method banned in European countries. You will have hair that is forbidden to even blow dry. Since you cannot remove it and clean your scalp like prosthetic hair, it carries a serious risk of infection.

Is Auto Cloning a Hair Transplant?

As a result, we can say this;

Hair Auto Cloning is a type of treatment method. It is not a method whose accuracy has been proven with numbers and data through clinical research. The FDA 510k certificate of this product, which is mentioned as FDA approved, is just a certificate showing that it is allowed for sale. FDA is the institution known as the American Foods and Drugs Administration and its equivalent institution in our country is Agriculture and Rural Affairs. It is not only an institution that measures the benefits of products, but also confirms that they do not cause harm. Moreover, thanks to this product, which is mostly available in America, hair transplantation has not become a thing of the past. If there was a product that grows hair where there is no hair or produces hair cells where there is no hair, there would be no such thing as hair transplantation.

When deciding on the treatment method required for your hair, please not only listen to what is said, but also question yourself within the framework of your own logic. Get the opinions of different authorized persons and experts.

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