Exosome Assisted Transplantation

Exosome is the name given to micro vesicles that contain molecules such as various proteins, lipids, mRNA and micro RNA involved in the degradation of RNAs. The exosome process is an innovative method used especially in the repair of damaged tissues. Exosomes, which can be used in almost every field, are classified as animal, plant and human origin. It is used in hair transplantation operations as a complementary method since it is observed that it plays a major role in healing and tissue repair and affects the results obtained in hair transplantation. It can be applied to the graft waiting solutions in hair transplantation, to the transplantation area after the operation and to the area to be used as a donor if there is a weakness in the grafts in the donor area if deemed appropriate by the specialist staff. It is used to accelerate the healing process after the hair transplantation is completed, to nourish the existing hair and to prevent complications that may occur. Exosome-assisted hair transplantation has become one of the methods mostly used and recommended by our experts after the transplantation process because it minimizes the waste rate known worldwide. Since human-derived exosomes are used in transplantation procedures, it does not cause a reaction in the body and can be easily used by everyone.

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