Stem Cell

Stem cells are the general name given to renewable and self-healing cells. The genetic structure we call hair loss occurs when the connective tissues of the hair weaken. Stem cell therapy plays a very important role in the repair of weakened connective tissue. The use of stem cell therapy in strengthening these tissues and repairing hair that is not completely lost helps the hair to become healthy again. Stem cells do not have the ability to regrow completely lost hair. In this process, which is performed with special machines, development is seen after 3 to 6 months. In stem cell procedure, the area to be biopsied is shaved before the procedure. The shaved area is only the area where the biopsy will be taken. The designated area is numbed with local anesthesia. The stem cell procedure is taken from the area above the ear and the nape of the neck, which is genetically coded not to shed. The biopsy is turned into liquid using special devices and a special solution and injected into the areas deemed appropriate by the specialist. It can be done once a year. In addition, performing it before hair transplantation increases the quality of donors and reduces the wastage rate. If it is performed after hair transplantation, it helps the transplanted hair to grow faster and reduce the possibility of waste.

Clinic Hair
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