Organic Hair Transplant

Injecting stem cells taken from the person's own fat tissue into the area to be transplanted makes the hair transplantation process more efficient. The preferred area for fat removal in organic hair transplantation is usually the abdomen. Fat removal and injection procedures are performed by specialized surgeons. Before the fat injection, the specialist personnel who will perform the transplantation process determines the transplantation area and informs the surgeon who will perform the fat injection. In line with this guidance, the fat removal and injection process takes a maximum of 1 hour. After the fat injection, the transplantation process is performed by the specialized personnel after the time deemed appropriate by the surgeon. In organic hair transplantation, the procedure time does not change. The waste rate is minimal. Since the fat tissue taken from the person himself/herself is in question, there is no allergic reaction. Fat injection can be applied to the transplantation area or to the donor area if deemed appropriate by the specialist before the procedure. It is a safe and comfortable procedure.

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