Beard and Mustache Transplant

The procedures performed in beard and mustache transplantation consist of the same stages as hair transplantation. The only difference is that anesthesia is more superficial and slower. The hair is taken from the strong and genetically non-shedding area of the person. Since the area used as a donor is above the ear and the hair on the neck is thinner, it would be more correct not to buy from these areas. Because beard and mustache hairs are generally hard. Therefore, the area where the grafts to be transplanted should consist of grafts that are thicker in structure. Transplantation is performed on the appropriate area in a sterile and operating room environment. This procedure is a solution to hair loss caused by genetic reasons, stress and some diseases.


Nowadays, transplantation can also be performed in cases of partial hair loss or lack of hair follicle formation, which is called rootiness, beard breakage.

Beard and moustache transplantation can also be performed after gender reassignment operations. There is no shedding except for the 10% loss rate determined worldwide. In line with the planning, if the patient's current opening is determined to be two sessions or more, the first two sessions of this procedure can be performed in two days.


can be done one after the other. If necessary, the 3rd and 4th sessions can be performed after 12 to 15 months, taking into account the healing of the donor area and the transplantation area. If this procedure is performed by a specialist, there is no delay in the healing process and no tissue damage.

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