Before Transplantation
First Month After Process
Fourth Month After Process
Sixth Month After Process
Eighth Month After Process
First Year After Process

Before Transplantation



First Month After Process

Fourth Month After Process

Sixth Month After Process

Eighth Month After Process

First Year After Process

Norwood 2

Op.Dr. Nejdet Şişman
Hair Transplantation

Norwood 2 is an early stage of male pattern hair loss and is characterized by a slightly receding hairline, usually in the temple area. At this stage, a V-shaped regression is seen in the forehead area, but no significant hair loss is observed in the crown area. Norwood 2 is considered the beginning stage of hair loss, in which case less invasive methods such as topical treatments or medications may be preferred to slow or stop hair loss. Hair transplantation is usually not yet necessary at this stage but may be an option in later stages.

Clinic Hair
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